JRFD Open House 2018

The Jamestown Rural Fire District and the Jamestown Rural Fire Department would like to invite you to an open house and presentation meeting at:

Jamestown Rural Fire hall

205 3rd Ave NW, Jamestown ND


May 12, 2018 open house 9am to 12pm with the presentation part stating at 10am.

May 22, 2018 open house 6pm to 8pm with the presentation part stating at 7pm.

A special election will be held on June 19, 2018 from 11am to 7pm for a Mill Levy Vote Increase of 5 mills. The Presentation will consist of information regarding the reason for the request for the mill levy increase of 5 mills to be held on June 19, 2018, for the purpose of a new addition and remodel of the property at: 1209 9th ST SE Jamestown ND.

Only residents residing in Jamestown Rural Fire Districts are eligible to vote in the special election.

Come tour our current fire hall!